Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Society is becoming over-regulated

Society is becoming over-regulated Society These Days Does Society Really Need Regulation? It is impossible to make generalizations about whether society is or is not becoming over-regulated, as all societies require some forms of regulation in order to function, but not all regulations are of equal value. Instead, rather than trying to assess whether society as a whole is over-regulated, which is too sweeping an assertion to be either proven or disproven, we should unpack the problem of which sorts of regulations are excessive or superfluous and which are needed, and how the issue of the degree to which regulations are enforced is just as important as their existence on the books. Regulations: from Absurd to Necessary The first category of regulations we might consider are obsolete statutes that still remain part of the legal code despite having been rendered obsolete by either changing customs or new technology. In Missouri, for example, it is illegal to drive with an uncaged bear in ones car. Other laws date back to the time when horses and carriages were common modes of transportation. More relevant to todays students are what are sometimes called blue laws that regulate what is considered moral behavior, including sexual acts, and alcohol and drug use. Many of these, such as those concerning what sexual acts are permitted between consenting adults, are impossible to enforce and anyway seem to many people an intolerable limitation on what should be purely personal decisions. Others, such as the laws against pedophilia, seem to be morally justifiable. Another category of laws that in some peoples view constitute forms of over-regulation are those concerning the private use of alcohol, marijuana, and other addictive or mind-altering substances. While most people would agree that some regulation is needed, especially regulations that prohibit young children from accessing such substances, everything from the age at which people should be allowed to make their own decisions to which substances should be regulated in what manner are matters of controversy. My own position on this is that these substances are both over- and under-regulated. On the one hand, making substances illegal or limiting the days on which one can buy alcohol in stores is ineffective in preventing substance abuse. On the other hand, some forms of regulation, such as laws against drunk driving. have saved many lives and strengthening such regulations along with making public transit affordable and widely available might save even more lives. Legalizing recreationa l drugs but closely regulating them for quality and safety might also save lives; in this case, I would argue that many drugs are both over-regulated, in so far as personal use is criminalized, and under-regulated in the sense that quality and safety are not adequately monitored. The Nanny State While many people have issues with what the British term the nanny state that regulates many aspects of personal choice or behavior, peoples opinions vary on what specific regulations are justified. The attempt of New York City to prohibit the sale of soft drinks in servings of over 16 ounces was eventually overturned but still serves as an example of regulatory overreach. Although drinking a 32-ounce soda is not good for ones health, if someone wants that quantity of soda, that is a matter of personal choice. Moreover, as people could have bought two 16-ounce containers under the law, it would not have been a particularly effective way to encourage healthy eating habits. On the other hand, regulations that insist that accurate nutritional labels be made clearly visible to customers seem a legitimate form of regulation, as such labels allow us to make informed choices about our own health. What these examples show is that regulations in our society can be either beneficial or harmful. Some regulations are excessive or absurd, while others are necessary. In some areas, especially ones relating to health and safety, more comprehensive regulations and stricter enforcement would be desirable. Food should be safe to eat and water safe to drink. In other areas, though, regulations can be intrusive or even harmful. Thus our society can neither be said to be over-regulated or under-regulated, but rather we can conclude that we should look at each individual regulation on its own merits.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German ​Conjunctions are words that link two sentences. In German, they belong to the group of non-declinable words, which means that they never change, no matter what case you think you should use or what gender a following noun has. However, while in English you might only have one option, in German you will often find several possibilities to choose from.  Such is the case with aber and sondern, which your dictionary will most certainly translate both as but. Using but in German Take a look at the following sentences: The child didnt want to go home, but to the park. Das Kind will nicht nach Hause gehen, sondern zum Park. I dont understand what you say, but you will certainly be right. Ich verstehe nicht, was Sie sagen, aber Sie werden schon Recht haben. She is exhausted but doesnt want to go to sleep. Sie ist erschà ¶pft aber will nicht schlafen gehen. As you can see, both aber and sondern mean but in English. How do you know which but conjunction to use? It is actually quite simple: Aber, which means but or however,  is used after either a positive or negative clause. On the other hand, sondern is only used after a negative clause when expressing a contradiction. In other words, the first clause of the sentence must contain either nicht or kein, and the second part of the sentence must contradict the first part of the sentence. Sondern can be best translated as  but rather. Carusos Little Brother Helps You to Create Better Sentences One last thing: aber and sondern are so called ADUSO-words. ADUSO is an acronym for: Aaber (but)Ddenn (because)Uund (and)Ssondern (contradicting but)Ooder (or) Those conjunctions all take position zero in a sentence. To remember that, you might want to think of ADUSO as the little brother of Enrico Caruso, the great opera singer. But he never grew out of his famous brothers shadow and remained quite a loser. Imagine the o in loser as a zero to remember position zero. A Little Quiz Lets test your knowledge. Which German version of but would you use in the following sentences? Ich komme nicht aus England _____ aus Schottland. I dont come from England but from Scotland. Ich bin hungrig, _____  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen. I am hungry, but I dont have time to eat something. Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch, und Arabisch, _____ leider kein Deutsch. She speaks three languages: English, Russian, and Arabic, but unfortunately no German. Wir htten gerne drei cheeseburger _____ ohne Zwiebeln. We would like (to have) three cheeseburgers but without onions. Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, _____  Nudelsalat. He didnt bring potato salad, but noodle salad. Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit, _____ er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht. He said, hed bring potato salad, but he brought noodle salad. Answers to the Quiz Ich komme nicht aus England,  sondern  aus Schottland.Ich bin hungrig,  aber  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen.Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch und Arabisch  aber  leider kein Deutsch.Wir htten gerne drei Cheeseburger,  aber  ohne Zwiebeln.Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, sondern  Nudelsalat.Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit,  aber  er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cultural Awareness of Israel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Awareness of Israel - Essay Example Similarly, the culture of Israel is unique in the sense that it is the only country in the world with a majority of Jewish community. Culture, as defined by Anderson and Taylor, is ‘a complex system of meanings and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society. It includes beliefs, values, knowledge, art, morals, law, customs, habits, language and dress’ (Anderson and Taylor, pp. 54). 1. Culture is shared: the culture of people living as part of a group is similar with each other to a great extent. The values and belief of the group have been developed through an agreement or principles defined through decades or even centuries; 2. Culture is learned: Culture is not a birth acquired part of a human; but is rather inbred in the person through his parents, guardian, friends and family. A person is taught the way of the society by people around him to such an extent that his thought process is also aligned with the other people in a similar culture; 3. Culture is taken for granted: Since the culture is inbred in a person since his birth, he accepts it as a part of life without questioning the rationality behind the continuance of certain traditions or laws. A person is aware of his cultural differences but most do not usually deviate from their cultural makeup; 4. Culture is composed of symbols: There are always symbols in a society that are unique from other society. A symbol may hold special reverence for one community but may mean nothing for another. The meaning that people give to certain symbols is actually what makes them unique from others. 5. Culture is dynamic: As people migrate from one area to another, they take their cultural belongings with them. Their thoughts, ideas and opinions travel with them and infuse in the thoughts, ideas and opinions of the people they meet. In this manner, cultures continue evolving and are dynamic in nature (Anderson and Taylor, pp. 54-48). Israel, officially names

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Zeitgeist Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zeitgeist - Movie Review Example The first part of the movie was more or less based on the birth of Jesus Chris, stating that he wasn’t infact born on this date. Here again, the director has to prove the fact that the birth date of Jesus Christ is not actually the 25th of December and that it should be in the season of winter solstice but the director has yet again avoided the theories which point otherwise. The next topic being discussed in the video is regarding the cross. The director claims that the cross is actually the symbol of the zodiac and is persistent on proving that the symbol is somewhat astrological by origin. The author has done this by discussing the myths. But it could be easily said that the cross has no relation whatsoever from astrological point of view rather it is used because Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross because crucifixion was the conventional method of punishing someone by law. Similar things can be said about the claim the author makes regarding the crown of thorns. The author also makes claim that the Bible is not actually a work of God and the stories of various prophets such as Noah, Moses mentioned in the Bible are actually again similar to other stories of the past. But the one thing that is problematic here is if the director is trying to prove wrong of the Bible why he is not trying to prove the reliability of the stories which he mentions in order to contradict the teachings of the Bible. The author also says that Horus was the God of the sun in Egypt, this shows that the author has a lack of understanding regarding the topic being discussed and he needs to do research regarding them. Every one, particularly Egyptians know that Horus was infact the God of the sky and Ra was the Sun God. This is one of the many examples which show the baseless facts that the director has mentioned in the entire video. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this video is that the religion, especially Christianity is the basis of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Technical Communication Essay Example for Free

Technical Communication Essay Chapter 1. Introduction to Technical Communication. Communication is the exchange of thoughts, message or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. Derived from the Latin word â€Å"communis†, meaning to share. Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender’s intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distance in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. Technical Communication would mean a communication specific to the sender and the recipient and both would be from the same field of knowledge. This communication may not be understood by any others in the sense that the messages passed across are in a language that can be understood by persons from once field of knowledge. Here the importance subset of such a communication. Technical Communication is the flow or exchange of information within people or group of people sharing a common platform of similar knowledge or people from the same field with or without the technical knowledge. Means of Communication 1. Verbal Communication: Spoken and pictorial languages can be described as a system of symbols (sometimes as known lexemes) and the grammars (rules) by which the symbols are manipulated. The word â€Å"language† also refers to common properties of languages. Language learning normally occurs most intensively during human childhood. Most of the thousands of human languages use patterns of sound or gestures for symbols which enable communication with others around them. Languages seem to share certain properties although many of these include exceptions. There is no defined line between a language and a dialect. Constructed languages such as Esperanto, programming languages and various mathematical formalisms are not necessarily restricted to the properties shared by human languages. Communication should also include the display of text, Braille, tactile communication, large print, accessible multimedia, as well as written and plain language, human –reader, augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of communication, including accessible information and communication technology. Manipulative Communications are intentional and unintentional ways of manipulating words, gestures, etc. to â€Å"get what we want â€Å", by demeaning, discounting, attacking or ignoring instead of respectful interaction. Sarcasm, criticism, rudeness and swearing are examples. 2. Non Verbal Communication: A variety of verbal and non-verbal means of communicating exists such as body language, eye contact, sign language. Nonverbal communication describes the process of conveying meaning in the form of non – word messages. Research shows that the majority of our communication includes chronemics (use of time) , haptics (using the sense of touch),gesture, body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact, object communication such as clothing , hairstyles, architecture, symbols infographics, and tone of voice as well as through an aggregate of the above. Speech also contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage. These include voice lesson quality, emotion and speaking style as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation and stress. Likewise, written texts include nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words and the use of emoticons to convey emotional expression in pictorial form. 3Oral communication: Oral communication, while primarily referring to spoken verbal communication, can also employ visual aids and non verbal elements to support the discussion, and aspects of interpersonal communication. As a type of face-to face communication, body language and choice tonality play a significant role, and may have communication also garners immediate feedback. Historic Stages in Written Communication: 1. Pictograms in the form of stone graphics hence immobile. 2. Written form on papyrus, paper, clay tablets. Introduction of common alphabets and also the invention of printing in the 15th century made the written form a very strong means. 3. Transfer of information through controlled waves and electronic signals. Effective Communication All communication, intentional or unintentional, has some effect. This effect may not be always in communicator’s favor or as desired by him or her. Communication that produces the desired effect or result is effective communication. It results in what the communicator wants. Effective communication generates the desired effect, maintain effect increase effect. Effective communication serves its purpose for which it was planned or designed. The purpose could be to generate action, inform, create understanding or communicate a certain idea/point etc. Effective communication also ensures that message distortion does not take place during the communication process.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Effectiveness Of Sport Drinks Essay example -- essays research pap

The major reason anyone drinks fluid before, during and after physical activity is to replace the water that is lost through sweat. If the water isn't replaced dehydration will occur and performance will be hampered. The purpose of sports drinks is to help rehydrate your body quickly and help improve performance and productivity. This is accomplished through a well-balanced mix of water, sugar (carbohydrates) and salts (electrolytes), the major ingredients in most sports drinks. These ingredients, combined with a variety of fruit flavours, create pleasant tasting drinks that, according to the companies, are suppose to help your athletic performance. Results prove that commercial sport drinks generally accomplish what they set out to do. That is, they make fluids available for the body, and increase endurance, but at the same time they can create unwanted gastroesophageal reflux. Sport drinks make fluids available to the body and are consequently very effective in preventing dehydration. One tactic sport drinks use in order to accomplish this is by adding sodium and glucose to the drink. These ingredients stimulate fluid consumption by the body, causing the athlete to drink even more, and become rehydrated (Rehrer 45). Another way that sport drinks maintain hydration in the body is by having less than or equal to 10% Carbohydrates (CHO) and small amounts of electrolytes in the beverage. This composition makes fluids available for dilution of body fluids at similar rates, thu...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

English Original Writing Coursework

Wake up, Awaken every tingling inch of your body to engage in an experience so saturated with nirvana that you'd think you were dreaming. The ocean sparkling like a gallery, putting its most prized gems in the reach of the common man. The sun shines like a perpetual red carpet, spread out across the entire beach. Absorb the sun. Taste the tranquillity. Savour the serenity. A slow burn scorches your feet, but there's always a price to pay even for the unexplored nirvana exposed in it's purest form. The heat merely pushes you forward by means of a slow blistering pain. Seeing through the veil of sunshine, you spot a series of rocks huddled together, forming a cliff; the very cliff that you will release yourself from. Release your demons, forsake them, and cast them into the sea. No more writhing sense of loneliness. No more craving for a deciphering of your soul. The real world does not exist here, neither do your problems. All that exists now is the sunshine that warms you up from the harsh cold of life. The serene sight of a thousand diamonds scattered over blue plains. The smell of salty seas will soon to leave you dripping and soaked with euphoria. You hear the seas calling with its thundering waves. The sacramental sea of happiness gently cleanses all your traumas. Though you don't seem to be the only one who stumbled on this goldmine, you are the only one that can comprehend its beauty. You were chosen, to feel the exquisite chills down your spine that none of your peers ever will. Welcome to your very own pseudo-narcotic experience. Side effects may include a possessing urge to never leave. You may leave the experience, but it will never leave you. Preying on your mind, this memory will be your most constant cause for procrastination. Transfixed and hypnotised, you make yourself a primitive bed-like stage of consciousness as you cross the bridge of clarity, built with time. As you watch the sky turn from merry to melancholy; from illuminating blue to mesmerizing orange and before it gets a chance to turn pitch black, you hear the sound of a barrage of cleansing bullets. Stretch out your hands, open your mouth, embrace nature in its truest form. Prepare yourself. The rain creeps up into you, injecting you from all sides with a high you've never felt before. As you lie on the cliff, embracing Mother Nature, free of troubles, the sun takes refuge. Behind the blanket of clouds at first and gradually the supposedly everlasting bed of light disappears beyond the horizon. The waves crash through the silence of the dead night like a wrecking ball through the crumbling pillars of tranquillity. Every wave crashing down is yet another chant calling for you to be enveloped in the mysticism of a nocturnal paradise. Every raindrop to bless your tormented skin is another reason for you to stay. Your feet reap the reward for bearing the burden of heat soothing itself in the cool soothing sand. So soothing, you couldn't dream of achieving this in a hyper-real lucid dream. The rain had done its job, showering its blessings on you, making yourself one step closer to transcending into a state of consciousness that acts as nothing less than a gold-mine of serenity. You rise up, and let go of everything that you've ever known. All that guides you now, is animalistic instinct. You're literally soaked in bliss and this will be a moment that you remember, your tongue tasting the rain and your feet embracing the cold mix of hard rock and sand. Unclench your fists; let the colour come back to your palms. And holding your hands out to all of the Earth, you run. Your feet thudding and leaping between tiny gaps between rocks, spaces big enough to let your foot get trapped there; yet, unsurprisingly, nothing happens. And reaching the peak of this sacramental cliff, your adrenalin reaches inhumane levels as you take one last dive into the never-ending abyss of serenity. You wish you could slow down the sensation that travelled ferociously through your entire body as it welcomes the cold water. Mere words can only do so much to describe it; and this is where it's magnitude of peacefulness is one undefined by vocabulary.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

There are many reasons why you could argue the ‘Class Structure’ is changing in the Contemporary UK

Firstly, up until the 1980's wealth was becoming more fairly distributed across the population, however since the 1980's this trend has reversed and the gap between rich and poor has rocketed. Now a days, most wealth remains in the hands of a tiny minority whilst the majority float above the fine line of poverty. New Right sociologists claim that the old ruling class has disintegrated and a share owning expanded middle class has emerged. Peter Saunders now claims minority rule by a minority class has been replaced with a nation of stakeholders. However the continued existence of a ‘power elite' controlling the majority of wealth and power has been well documented by John Scott. Manual work patterns have changed also, i.e. in the primary and secondary industry manual jobs have declined significantly, whilst service sector jobs have increased. The expansion of the Welfare state has caused professional and non manual jobs to increase, results in a bloated middle class. The traditional working class has also changed, with women becoming a more influential and important member of the work force. Part time work has increase too. As a result of a rising global economy a geographical shift in the traditional working class has emerged. In the West there has been a growth in non manual employment with an extension of state services, in particular teachers, nurses, clerks etc There has also been an increase the employment of women and part time low insecure employment. Roberts claims the middle class has expanded but also ‘fragmented' into a number of distinct groups, i.e. professionals, managers, self employed. Roberts call these strata within the middles class ‘class fractions' each with its own culture, norms and values. Professionals tend to employ internally, therefore if your father is a professional you are much more likely to be employed. Savage suggest that professionals have a strong sense of class solidarity as evidence of their willingness to take collective action to protect their values, i.e. Occupational Associations-BMA, law society and lower down the NUT There has been a significant increase in self employed people, especially in the areas of consultancy in the finance, ICT areas. Large numbers of employed managers have their own consultancy business too. It is understood that Henry Ford shaped the traditional working class with his first moving assembly line in the 1914. Work was divided up into much more manageable loads and presented to a much lower skilled work force in return for lower labour costs. Fordism shape both working class and its sense of solidarity. However with manufacturing in decline this class has also begun to decline. Henry Braveman argues that Fordism still impacts working class as workers are constantly de-skilled with the introduction of technology. This introduction of technology has also dented the middle class occupations as white collar clerical/ technical are subject to proletarianisation by the impending application of technology. Marxists suggest that revolutionary class consciousness will be the result of such trends. Daniel Bell suggests that we are now living in a post fordist or post industrial age where work is based intellectual creativity rather than physical effort. Businesses also take more care of their workforce through better conditions, pay and concern for professional development. To support these claims by Bell the primary and secondary industries have declined whilst tertiary have expanded, as a result fewer people in Western Europe now work more with their brains than with their hands. Service sector workers lack the old structures of union and solidarity, thus seemingly becoming more privatised. There has been a growth of highly skilled new technology workers (wired workers) whom work from home, enjoying increased flexibility, challenge and autonomy. However there is strong evidence against Bell's theory, i.e. some sociologists argue that manual work has simply followed market conditions to low labour costing parts of the world. Also some argue the point that most computer workers sit in fact sit front of computers to input simple repetitive data, in poor conditions and for low pay.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Data Structures Example

Data Structures Example Data Structures – Coursework Example Data Structures Data Structures A Queue A Queue refers to a list of tasks waiting to be processed. When a task is sent to a queue, it implies that it has been added to the list of tasks waiting to be processed. It is worth denoting that computer programs frequently function with queues as a manner of ordering tasks. For example, when a computer is through with one computation, it goes ahead to process the next task on the queue. Furthermore, another example is the printer queue that refers to a list of files waiting for printing. An Array On matters of data storage, an array refers to a mechanism for storing data on several devices. It is worth mentioning that arrays are oldest and most imperative data structures used by nearly every program. Additionally, another major use of arrays is in the implementation of other numerous data structures such as lists because they play a key role in exploiting computers; logic (Humphris, 2014). The main use of data arrays is in the implementation of both mathematical vectors and matrices. They also play an imperative role in implementing several data structures such as stacks and queues. Array allows one to store a series of correlated variables of the same kind and often referred to as a list. New int[10] is an example that best illustrates the use of arrays in computer technology. In Random access memory, an array refers to the organization of memory cells (Humphris, 2014).A Stack A stack refers to a kind of data structure used to store data in a computer. Apparently, when a fresh object enters into a stack, it remains on top of other previously entered objects. This essentially implies that when one decides to remove a certain object from a stack, the one that is at the top leaves first leaving the previously entered objects.Comparison between an Array, stack and queue The stack and queue are closely related data structures. The definition of each lies on two main operations that is enter a new object and eject an objec t. Apparently, the rule mainly used in the queue data structure is to ensure that one removes the item that has stayed for a long time thereby leaving the new items. The stack rule ensures that one removes the item that has spent minimal time in the collection. In an array, an individual can access the elements at any time but a stack does not allow for random access.ReferencesHumphris, C. (2014). Computing and Information technology. New York, NY: Eptsoft

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Rules of Engagement in English

The Rules of Engagement in English The Rules of Engagement in English The Rules of Engagement in English By Mark Nichol In the same day, this site received, among readers’ responses to my recent post Courtesy Titles and Honorifics, two diverse email messages: One was a reasonable, well-written support of the writer’s opinion that, as she was taught, because the courtesy title Ms. is an artificial designation that doesn’t abbreviate anything, it should not include a period. The other correspondent wrote, â€Å"hey watch out your website looks like a rule book, and we all know rule books are fascist.† Whether one’s convictions are adept or absurd, however, one must accept the incontrovertible fact that although one is free to write in any style or manner one chooses, this choice has consequences. Linguistic anarchy is inimical to language, by virtue of the fact that language, as a form of communication, is essential to family, to society, to civilization. Just as abiding by rules of personal and community conduct (the latter extending in scope from the smallest village to the United Nations) helps protect the fragile coexistence of humans, adhering to guidelines for language use enable at least sizeable blocs of humanity to agree on common signals for cooperation (or conflict). Language evolves, constantly and relentlessly, but precepts and attitudes about it prevail for a time before they slowly respond to changes in usage. Therefore, for example, though one of the correspondents I referred to above is correct that the period following Ms. is not logically justified and that for that reason, early in the term’s life span, many writers omitted the punctuation it is now standard, for the sake of consistency, to treat Ms. the same as Mr. and Mrs. One’s gender and gender politics are irrelevant: Those are the facts, ma’am er, ms. Do you write simply for pleasure, or to share your thoughts and ideas with a small coterie of readers? Do you self-publish, whether in print or online? Knock yourself out you are hereby granted a dispensation to write in any fashion that pleases you and anyone who chooses to read your work. You are akin to a homesteader or a survivalist, staking out your own terrain on your own terms and accepting the terms that go with those terms. But if your intent is to identify yourself as a professional writer or if your employment status is predicated on the fact that your writing is intelligible to your colleagues and perhaps even consistent with distributed guidelines certain standards apply, and your ability to adhere to those standards is inextricably linked to your professional success or survival. If that’s fascist, then I proudly represent the New World Order. I don’t mean to get all serious on you. I respect the point about the unpunctuated Ms., and for all I know, the comment about the â€Å"rule book† may be a goof. But both comments inspire this tip: When it comes to composition, let your unfettered freak flag fly. But if you submit the flag to be unfurled atop a highly visible flagpole, expect it to be redesigned to suit that flagpole or to be refolded and respectfully returned for you to do with what you wish. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:How to Play HQ Words: Cheats, Tips and TricksTypes of Plots

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Molecular basis of circadian rhythms Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Molecular basis of circadian rhythms - Article Example In a fast growing world where travelling is essential to many individuals, jet lag is a common denominator among those individuals. Scientifically speaking, this was mainly because of the disruption of the circadian clock. According to the study of Glossop, Lyons & Hardin, the circadian clock worked in an interlocked feedback loops that is further divided into two: a per-tim loop which is activated by dCLK-CYC and repressed by PER-TIM and a dClk loop which is repressed by dCLK-CYC and depressed by PER-TIM (766). Through these loops, it has been identified that there are five genes necessary for effective circadian rhythm, among of which include the period (per), timeless (tim), Drosophilia Clock (dClk), Cycle (Cyc), and double-time (dbt) (Glossop, Lyons & Hardin, 766). However, nothing can be observed without going through the gene level and oscillating the anatomical structures for sleep and wakefulness. Clock-controlled genes consist of input pathways, oscillator or pacemaker, and output pathways (Cermakian & Corsi, 59). As stated earlier, initiating circadian rhythm requires oscillation and this can be done only through a pacemaker or oscillator. Oscillation occurs automatically as this is a temporal program. A well-oscillated circadian clock has self-sustained rhythm during its long period, compensated with respect to the abrupt changes in the environment, predominantly exposed to cycles of light, temperature, food availability and predator, and has various difference in the assembly of cellular clocks (Merrow, Spoelstra & Till, 931). Without this pathways and oscillation, the rhythm of the circadian clock will definitely be disrupted. The study of circadian clock will not only help humans in adaptation but the agriculture and animal industry as well. Experts would be able to condition the organism to environmental changes. Farmers can manipulate the pthosynthetic activity of the plants to match the appropriate