How to write a comparative essay
Eating Disorder Argumentative Essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Global Technological Advancements of Social Networking Sites
Worldwide Technological Advancements of Social Networking Sites The ongoing worldwide mechanical progressions have prompted numerous adjustments in the manners individuals collaborate because of the improvement of interpersonal interaction locales. An informal communication webpage alludes to an online help that permits individuals to make semi-open or open profiles, associate with different clients of the site other than survey and crossing their rundown of associations and those made by others inside the website’s system.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Global Technological Advancements of Social Networking Sites explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main interpersonal interaction webpage to be built up was ‘Friendster’ in 2002 followed by ‘LinkedIn’ and ‘Bebo’. Others incorporate ‘Facebook’ and ‘MySpace’ concocted in 2004 and 2005 separately. The locales are developing exponentially in fame around the world as a large number of indi viduals keep on joining the web network. In spite of the prevalence of the informal communication locales, I have not considered utilizing any of them sooner rather than later since the utilization of person to person communication destinations negatively affects connections. At the point when utilized for a drawn out period, the locales upgrade social detachment in spite of the fact that they appear to bring individuals closer through their online communications. The sole factor that causes the social disengagement is the fulfillment that individuals will in general traverse the locales once they speak with their loved ones particularly in instances of topographical partition. This correspondence ruins up close and personal connections among individuals. With time, the security related with one-on-one correspondence debilitates. Examination has demonstrated that, this type of disengagement can prompt mental, mental just as mental issues, for example, sorrow, nervousness and substan tial protests among others. For example, couples in significant distance sentimental connections will in general be unfaithful on the off chance that they depend only on electronic correspondence over the social destinations for an extensive stretch. Interpersonal interaction destinations are tedious. The clients of social locales invest a ton of energy refreshing their profiles and speaking with different clients inside their group of friends. This degrades them structure the time they ought to have spend in different exercises. Rather than focusing on the exercises allocated by their folks, most teenagers invest the greater part of their energy in the interpersonal interaction locales representing a hazard to their relationship with their folks. For understudies, expanded utilization of the social destinations prompts poor scholastic execution, which adversely influences their relationship with their instructors as well as with their folks. Individuals who will in general utilize the vast majority of their time in online interchanges may get dependent. Much the same as some other type of fixation, the social site(s) segregates one from the remainder of the general public including his/her family. In spite of the fact that long range interpersonal communication locales guarantee to secure an individual’s data, this isn't generally the situation. The security settings of the greater part of the locales are dynamic. Inferable from the way that numerous individuals are in consistent pursuit of a phony personality, they may gain admittance to a user’s data. Such individuals utilize one’s individual data, for example, name, region of living arrangement and training level to counterfeit their personality profile.Advertising Looking for article on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They may utilize the taken personality to post unlawful materials just as other unseemly materia ls in the site. This stains the picture of the victim(s), which may prompt the improvement of a sharp relationship with his/her companions. The improper utilization of one’s character has made numerous relationships around the world to break. Tragically it requires some investment before on understands that another person has taken his/her character for some illicit or rather wrong reasons. Also, wholesale fraud prompts the improvement of acrid connections among managers and workers. This happens when one presents certain data on person to person communication locales that may discolor the picture of a given association or a business. It makes hostility between the person in question and his/her manager, which may prompt the loss of his/her activity in the association. Kids may unwittingly post private data about their family on the destinations without the information on the guardians. When the guardians find that their kid uncovered some special kinds of mystery, the youngs ter may confront an enthusiastically time attempting to disclose it to the guardians. Analysts have detailed that numerous privileged bits of information have discovered their way to the web, which has negatively affected the connection among guardians and their youngsters. A few guardians have constrained their youngsters to close their records in the informal communication destinations trying to reestablish the wrecked relationship. In the ongoing past, specialists have announced expanded instances of digital harassing. Connections over the person to person communication locales are the premise of most types of digital harassing. It includes the utilization of long range informal communication locales to compromise and humiliate others. It is a typical wonder among adolescents. In grown-ups, such acts are alluded to as digital provocation or digital following which have legitimate ramifications. Exploration has indicated that one in each three teenagers has been a survivor of digi tal tormenting. The digital domineering jerks could be schoolmates or even neighbors. They cause a great deal of passionate and mental worry to the people in question. In the outrageous cases, the casualties may wind up ending it all. The effect isn't just on the people in question yet in addition on the domineering jerks since they will undoubtedly experience some type of discipline either inside the family or inside the foundation being referred to. It is in this manner obvious that the utilization of interpersonal interaction locales negatively affects connections inside family settings as well as inside different foundations/associations in the general public.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Great Gatsby Destruction of the American Dream Essay Example for Free
The Great Gatsby Destruction of the American Dream Essay The disappointment of the American dream can be seen through the fundamental characters Gatsby, Daisy and Myrtle and Tom Buchannan. Gatsby is clearly the most significant of the four, because of his critical move in the book. Jay Gatsby is set on getting his adoration intrigue, Daisy, his better half before the war. Unexpectedly, Gatsby, a beautified military official, is so goal on getting Daisy back he includes himself in sorted out wrongdoing and bootlegging (Callahan 2). He moves in over the waterway from Daisy and tosses luxurious gatherings to attempt to get her to come and attempt to charm her back to him. These sumptuous gatherings and Gatsby’s powerlessness to proceed onward will at last lead to his ruin. Baska 2 Gatsby’s character matches with numerous things raised in the book. Fitzgerald utilizes Nick to depict Gatsby manor, â€Å"The one on my privilege was an epic undertaking by any standardâ€it was a genuine impersonation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a pinnacle on one side, hitting new under a slight whiskers of crude ivy, and a marble pool, and in excess of forty sections of land of grass and nursery. It was Gatsby’s mansion†(Fitzgerald 7). At the point when Nick goes into Gatsby’s house to go to one of his gatherings he additionally depicts its fantastic rooms with high void roofs. Gatsby, much like his house, puts of this exquisite appearance however within he is empty and tiring to discover individuals to fill that emptiness Daisy’s character is static simply like the Gatsby; she plays Gatsby off and just really preferred him since he was simply something new (Callahan 2). In spite of being from the upper exclusive class and having the â€Å"perfect lifestyle†, she despite everything is the unnecessary extra person wheel in her relationship. Tom, Daisy’s spouse, takes part in an undertaking with Myrtle and in spite of the reasoning that the high society is great and everybody ought to resemble them Tom beats his better half and is hot headed. Tom is additionally a processing plant proprietor and the New York production lines have wrecked this valley known as the Valley of Ashes. In this Valley there is the indication of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg â€Å"The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and giganticâ€their irises are one Baska 3 yard high. They watch out of no face, be that as it may, rather, from a couple of tremendous yellow scenes which disregard a nonexistent nose. Obviously some wild sway of an oculist set them there to swell his training in the ward of Queens, and afterward sank down himself into endless visual impairment. †(Fitzgerald 24) The rotting face of Eckleburg is there to show the results of the American Dream in the twenties and how it had pulverized the lives of numerous individuals. It might likewise be viewed as the passing of God these days of social rot. Much like Daisy in her childhood Myrtle has chosen the well off life is the path for her. Myrtle up till the end is a practically perfect image of the American Dream in spite of undermining her significant other for Tom. Myrtle’s vehicle has stalled and when she leaves the vehicle Daisy, who was descending the street, hits her with her vehicle. Myrtle had gone from the Valley of Ashes to the wealth to being killed by her adoration affair’s spouse. This descending winding proceeds with when George Wilson, Myrtles spouse, accepts who at any point hit Myrtle was the individual she was engaging in extramarital relations with. Tom discloses to Wilson that Gatsby was driving the vehicle that hit Myrtle. Wilson goes to Gatsby’s house were he discovers him unwinding in the pool on a buoy. Wilson fires Gatsby then turns the weapon on himself, indicating us the terrible closure of the books defilement in the American Dream topic. Debasement in the twenties delineated in The Great Gatsby matches with numerous different ages, one such one is the latest. The present reality is loaded up with industrialism and the possibility that to be reat and to be the individual in the spot light you Baska 4 must have cash and allure. In The Great Gatsby, there is likewise the evident battle between the â€Å"new money†and the â€Å"old money†similarly as there is today. The Roaring twenties was the original to change the American Dream from the strict puritan ethics to living enormous in the manor. Hollywood, famous people and the TV has imbedded the disappointments of the American Dream which Fitzgerald has uncovered in The Great Gatsby into today’s culture. The white collar class has been given the benefit to have a home and have opportunity, so the perspective on the American dream has been changed by society. Tyler Durden, from Fight Club, communicates the estimations above â€Å"Advertising makes them pursue vehicles and garments, maintaining sources of income we abhor so we can purchase stuff we don’t need†(Palahniuk 114). Regardless of all the uninformed partiality the ongoing huge scope Hispanic migration ideally will show America that The American Dream ought not tied in with having cash and the ideal life, however having a place of refuge to carry on with your life free. The individuals who left everything to come to America not to be celebrated or the rich however for a superior life for them and their kids are the genuine admiration of the American Dream. From the Great Gatsby to the thundering twenties all they far up to current occasions individuals admire the American Dream for motivation and attempt to make it their own. Eagerness and love may have tainted the fantasy for Gatsby, however it is simply human instinct to need more than what you have and that is the genuine debasement Fitzgerald has indicated his perusers.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Hot town
Hot town Mmm, its a hot one today (93oF, or 38.9oC for those of you who use a logical degree system)! Days like this make me glad for two things: 1) my beautiful polka-dotted sundress which keeps me cool walking to work on hot days, and 2) my beautiful air conditioner which keeps me cool at home: (Macgregor windows have screens that cant be removed rather sensibly, since my window is 15 stories up and falling out is not up there on my list of things to try this summer so Adam rigged up a foam ducting system so our air conditioner thinks its outside. I love engineers.) Katharine asked a great set of questions in my last entry about the bio department: I might be interested in doing Biology at MIT so I have to ask how are the professors? I know you always have your good ones and your bad ones, but is there a general teaching style that most professors have? Do you have to do p-sets for Biology classes and if not, what is the homework like? Is it hard to get an internship during the summer? Is the work collaborative and how are the labs? And are there tips you would like to give me to make it much easier on me? Okay, Im out of dorky questions :). On the whole, my biology professors have been very amusing people. I actually started writing down things they said in class, because some of the stuff they say is just too funny. Most faculty members teach the same class(es) every year, and they develop a familiarity with the material, as well as an understanding of topics students find difficult. You also dont realize it until youre an upperclassman, but most of the professors who teach the core biology classes are Very Important People in the world of biology research I read quotes by Tyler Jacks (7.013) in major biology journals all the time; Eric Lander teaches 7.012 and is one of three people basically in charge of the Human Genome Project. David Bartel, who teaches 7.05, is a major spokesperson for the RNA world theory and just won a prize from the National Academy of Sciences. I could go on. But that would take a really long time. Basically, the professors who teach the core classes are amazing scientists who also enjoy educating the next generation. (David Page, who taught 7.03 my year, showed us a gorgeous crystal award he had just won and told us that his freshman year biology teacher had written him a congratulatory note about it. He told us that he expected to be doing the same for us in a few years. Um, no pressure?) For some biology classes (mostly the first few cores, 7.01x and 7.03), problem sets are required and calculated into the grade. For most upper-level classes, problem sets are given, but are optional, and are not included in the final grade. (I say optional because doing the problem sets is hands down the best way to prepare for the exams usually 3 or 4 that are worth your whole grade. So everybody does the problem sets.) Its definitely not hard to get an internship for the summer. First, there are always more biology UROPs available than there are students who want to stay on campus for the summer, so its extremely easy to get a research job on campus. Moreover, there are a lot of biotech and pharmaceutical companies in Cambridge (Novartis and Biogen are visible from campus), and many of them ask for interns over the summer. I mean, MIT has one of the best biology departments in the country, so pharmaceutical and biotech companies all over the country are very happy to snap up well-trained and intelligent undergrads for summer internships. The labs in the biology department are a lot of work, but theyre made a lot easier by the outstanding faculty and staff who administer the labs. (Two of the people who run 7.02, the introductory lab, have their own fan club on 7.02 is about teaching as many molecular biology techniques as its possible to learn in one semester (believe me, its more than you think); Project Lab is the advanced lab, which is all about having you pick your own project and basically be a grad student on training wheels. My Super-Stealth Advice for Biology Success: 1. Get a UROP as early as possible. I started my UROP before I had taken any labs, and therefore was taught all the techniques in a comfortable, grade-free environment. And looked like a freakin genius when I finally did take the labs and knew everything already. 2. Go to lecture. Self-explanatory. Far too many people whine about their grades in course 7 classes, but dont go to class. Hello? 3. Read the book. No, really. I just started really reading textbooks this past term, and was amazed at how helpful this tactic was for raising my GPA. Learn from my idiocy. 4. Use the resources available. Biology professors fall all over themselves to be accessible to their students office hours, tutoring sessions, emails, phone numbers take advantage of their generosity. One last thing Degree requirements for the SB in biology, and General Institute Requirements because, unfortunately, we course 7 majors are not so lucky as to escape the physics reqirement. Any more questions send them my way!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Information processing and cognitive development Essay
Information Processing and Cognitive Development nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Information processing is a perspective (approach) to the study of cognition and cognitive development in which the mind is likened to a computer. However, rather than focusing on mere input and output, psychologists who adhere to this approach place specific emphasis on the processes of cognitive development. Cognitive perspectives examine development in terms of mental processing. The two major views within this subject are cognitive developmental theory and information processing theory. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Theorists claim that our cognitive processes are like that of a computer. They have used this as a model to break down the process of the†¦show more content†¦Processing capacity is the amount of information a person can remember or think about ay one time. Researchers measure it by representing a series of information very quickly and counting how many items a person can remember in exact order this changes in processing capacity help explain age differences on many kinds of cognitive tasks (learned tasks). As children mature an their capacity grows, they gain the ability to consider several sources of information at the same time, and their cognitive processing becomes more flexible and powerful (Cook). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When the brain recognizes familiar tasks it processes the information and applies the correct rules to the procedure in order to reduce the demand on the working memory and allow for higher order processing of information. Automaticity is the ability to effortlessly complete everyday tasks with low interference of other simultaneous activities and without conscious thought. The development of automaticity involves a shift in brain usage and a reduction in brain activity. As skills are repeated, the brain recognizes the information and can process it more quickly and with less effort(Cook). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Attention becomes more sustained and selective with age; children become better at focusing on just those aspects of a situation that are relevant to their goals. Older children are also better at adapting attention to task requirements. Gains in cognitive inhibition,Show MoreRelatedTheories of Cognitive Development: an Insight to the Theories of Piaget, Information-Processing and Vygotsky1464 Words  | 6 PagesTheories of Cognitive Development: An insight to the theories of Piaget, Information-processing and Vygotsky How do we learn? How do we grow? Over the years, psychologists have studied to great lengths the processes that humans go through as they progress from infancy to adulthood. Several theories have emerged over time with three prominent ones. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky produced two important and distinct theories. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Culture And Its Effect On Gender Identity Essay
The purpose of this literature review is to examine the research concerning the hookup culture and its effect on gender identity. Gender identity, as defined by the American Psychological Association (2006), refers to an individual s sense of self by identifying as male, female, or transgender. Even though casual sexual relationships, particularly among college students, are nothing new, the term hooking up has only recently become of interest to researchers (Owen, Rhoades, Stanley, Fincham, 2010); Stinson (2010) states that research on hookups did not begin until 2000. In addition, research suggests that hooking up and casual sex are not mutually exclusive behaviors; in fact, approximately only one third of hookups involve casual sex (i.e., penetrative sex; LaBrie, Hummer, Ghaidarov, Lac, Kenney, 2012; Paul, McManus, Hayes, 2000). The literature reviewed consists of peer reviewed academic journal articles published in the past 15 years. Studies employing both qualitative and quan titative research designs were included, and the paper will encompass more than studies using solely undergraduate populations. Comparing both differing and common predictors of hooking up, as well as its consequences, in regard to gender, was of primary focus. Hookup culture is an important topic given recent literature that suggests high rates of hookup behavior on college and university campuses (Owen et al., 2010; Owen, Fincham, Moore 2011a) particularly in Western culturesShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Popular Culture Toys On The Development Of A Child s Gender Identity850 Words  | 4 Pagesher observations of children’s behaviour when popular culture toys and figures are incorporated into play. While the boys within the classroom are perceived to behave more vigorously, forcibly and loud whilst playing with action figures, girls are observed as placid and submissive subsequent to their play with Barbie dolls and ponies. This leads to educator to ponder on the effe cts popular culture has on the development of a child’s gender identity. Onwards from birth, children are surrounded by andRead MoreEssay about Gender Dysphoria Caused by Gender Identity776 Words  | 4 Pages Gender Dysphoria caused by Gender Identity Introduction Gender as defined by society as a division between biological sex and the roles you must take on in society. In reality gender is a true spectrum that does not follow a simple linear pattern. There are three major aspects that make a person who they are inside. These aspects are Sex, Gender and Gender Identity. Gender Identity Gender identity is basically the concept that gender is not easily divided into two classic genders as isRead MoreGender And Gender Identity1648 Words  | 7 PagesIn light of performativity, political transformation via hegemonic cultural practices continues to advocate for gender parody. 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Culture and perception also influence women’s identities with the use of gender norms, specifically rape culture, as well as the normalization of rape. This normalization, society’s negative perceptions, and trauma combined will then impact a woman’s mental well-being throughout her life. To begin, â€Å"In the Movies†shines a spotlight on sexual assault as a traumatic experience that changes your identity, and women are often misunderstoodRead MoreSocial Medi The End Of Gender1310 Words  | 6 Pagesof Gender Maurice Brigham Paper Submitted as Fulfillment of the Requirements for COM 231: Interpersonal Communication Fayetteville Technical Community College 09 May 2016 â€Æ' Abstract Social media has often been referred to as a social institution capable of influencing worldwide audiences through the shaping of gender norms. 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These traits show when working with individuals of many cultures and backgrounds in the workplace. A leader who has this ability can handle everyone uniquely and ethically and is in tune with what differentiates one associate from the next. Once one has a grasp on who they are then can one expect to lead a diverseRead MoreGender Inequality Between Men And Women908 Words  | 4 PagesIn a culture that often uses the terms â€Å"sex†and â€Å"gender†synonymously, it’s important to recognize the difference between the two. In West and Zimmerman’s article, â€Å"Doing Gender,†they make this distinction. Sex is defined as â€Å"biology: anatomy, hormones, and physiology,†and gender is â€Å"an achieved status: that which is constructed through psychological, cultural, and social means†(West and Zimmerman; 125). Michael Kimmel, the author of The Gendered Society and a sociologist at Stony Brook University
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health and safety issue for contractor company in oil and gas industry Free Essays
ABRSTACT: Exploration and production of petroleum is highly profitable sector, but on the other hand, it is very risky business. Catastrophe in refineries and oil rigs like Mexico II (1983) in the Gulf of Mexico, Pipe Alpha, has totally changed the script of safety procedure and risk assessment. It is evident from the past history, 65 % of disasters resulted due to Human Organizational error. We will write a custom essay sample on Health and safety issue for contractor company in oil and gas industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now That’s why it is highly recommended to the oil operating and contractor companies to identify the risk, potential hazard and consequence of hazardous incident. Health and safety measure are always seems to be an overburden for project, but in reality they are preventing the tragic accident which would be result in damage of assets, loss of valuable human lives, demoralization of team and hazardous environmental impact. In last 35 years of North Sea, average yearly accidental cost is ?200M (except in 1988-1989 cost ?1200 M due to Piper Alpha) and loss of 485 precious human lives (ROYAL INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS 1991). In this report, we will try to discuss the critical issues of health and safety faced by a contractor company in oil industries. Furthermore, we will try to show what was done wrong in past and will try to suggest how similar incident might be prevented in the future. DISCUSSION: â€Å"Nation have passed away and left no traces, Any history gives the naked cause of it – one single simple reason in all cases; they fell because their people were not fit.†Rudyard Kipling. Unfortunately, the history of the oil and process industry indicates that a lot of incidents are repeated after a lapse of a few years .Because people move and lesson are forgotten. Accidents caused during the following activities are very common, many of them are not resulted in death, serious injury or serious damage – they were near-miss. But they could have had much more serious consequence. We will discuss few of them in detail. Isolation of Equipment. Accident caused by Human Error Entry to Vessel Liquefied Flammable gases Modification Storage Tanks Stacks Leaks Pipe and Vessel Failure Hazard of Common Material I don’t know that (Like Ammonia can explode, Hydraulic pressure can be hazardous, Diesel engines can ignite leaks. 1. Isolation of Equipment: Case I: Three people were killed and the plant was destroyed during a pump repair. Dismantling was done to repair the pump. When the cover was removed, hot oil, which is above its ignition temperature, came out and caught fire. From several days, a pump was waiting for repair work and work permit was issued. On the day of accident, the foreman who issued the permit should check the drain valve should be opened and suction delivery valves were shut. But suction valve was opened and drain valve was closed by someone. Maintenance team only intend to change the pump bearing and they decide to open the pump and inform the process team but no further checks and isolation was done. It is not habitual in company concerned to isolate the equipment under repair by slip plate, only by close valves. Similarly, failure in permit to work procedure was the major reason for the disasters of Piper Alpha. Recommendations: Permit to work will be withdrawal and new one is issued, if there is any change in the nature of work. Isolation of equipment must be done when it is under repair. Bleed valve and double blocks must be installed, where fluid at having gauge pressure above 600 psi or temperature above or near auto-ignition point. 2. Accident caused by Human Error: Case I: (Warning Ignored) During the working shift, it had been noticed by the operator that the level of fluid in tank is falling rapidly. He informed the instrument department that the level gauge is not working properly. After few hours, when they were changing the gauge, they found that the previous gauge was correct and there was a leaking in the drain valve. But it is quite late and they has been lost 10 ton of material. Case II: (High Temperature Alarm) After a modification pump was installed, it was used to transfer some liquid. When the transfer of liquid completed, operator pressed the switch off button, he saw the pump is â€Å"running off†light went out. After a several hours, high temperature alarm of pump sounded. Operator supposed that there was a fault in alarm and he ignored it. Soon afterward, there was a huge explosion in the pump. During the modification of pump, an error in the circuit was introduced and stop button was not working properly. Recommendations: Proper training should be given to the operators; they must take a necessary action upon unusual reading. Always respond to alarm. They might be correct. Training should be emphasis the importance of alarm. In record sheet, control limit must be defined. 3. Entry to Vessel Many incident have been happened which killed no of peoples because they entered inside the vessel or any other confined space which had not been thoroughly cleaned or tested. Case I: (Unauthorized Entry) Contractors mostly unfamiliar with the operating companies rule, have frequently got into the vessel without authority. A contractor foreman entered in a vessel which was opened and disconnected, setup for entry, but it was not yet tested. The foreman was estimating the cost of cleaning, he supposed that there was no need of permit for entering the tank just for inspection and got affected by the gas. Similarly an incident happened during the lunch time, a process foreman was taking a last look of vessel before boxed up. There was an old gas mask lying on the floor, he decided to go and remove it. While going inside he slipped from the ladder and fell and was knocked. His tongue blocked his throat and he suffocated. Case II: (Entry into vessel with Irrespirable Atmosphere) A contractor entered in the combustion chamber of a gas plant watched by two standby men but without waiting for the breathing apparatus to arrive. He lost consciousness halfway up when he was climbing out of the chamber. He was hanging between the chamber wall and the ladder. Rest of the men could not pull him out with lifeline. One of the men reached to the person without breathing apparatus and he also lost consciousness. Both of them were rescued, but standby man was died by this time. Case III: Vessel was generally split up into two halves by a baffle which had to be removed. The vessel was cleaned out, inspected, and a permit issued for a worker to enter the left hand side of the vessel to burn out the baffle. It not possible to see on the right hand side of the vessel but as the left hand side of the vessel was clean and because no combustible gas was detected it was assumed that the other half was also clean. While the welder was in the vessel, some deposited in the right hand half caught fire. The Welder came out side without a sever injury but wounded himself in his rush. Recommendations: Vessel should assume to contain hazardous material, if a portion of the vessel can not be tested and it seems to be safe. Only gas test are not enough. When the vessel will be heated or disturbed it may produce gas which was present in the sludge. For any addition work inside the vessel, new work permit for confined space should be issued. People should now put their head inside the vessel unless entry has been authorized. Manhole should be covered with barrier if the vessel is opened but entry is not yet authorized. Rescue person should be available at the spot with necessary equipment. Always use breathing apparatuses before entering the vessel. Do not relay on contractor reading rule, just follow the safety procedure of operating company. 4. Liquefied Flammable Gases: Case I: (Fire and exploration at processing plant at Mexico City) November 1984, there was a worse incident at processing plant (LPG-actually Propane 20 % and Butane 80%) in San Juanico, Mexico. About 542 people were died, 4,248 were injured and 10,000 become homeless. The main cause was the rupturing of 8 inch line. During investigation it was revelled that the tank was overfilled and the inlet pipeline was overpressure. It is not known why the pressure relief valve was not lifted. The gas was spread in the area of 200m by 150 m before it caught fire. Most of the people got killed and injured are pubic, who were living near the plant. Recommendations: There was not gas detector in this area. This should be present. Plant was at congested place about 160 m away from town. It is recommended that for LPG plant it should be 600 m away from the town. There was no fire insulation on equipments. Vessels and tank should be fire insulated. The water deluge system was inadequate. 5. Modification: Many accidents have happened just because modifications were carried out in plant and these modifications were not fulfilling the safety criteria. Case I: A reactor was cooled by a providing of brine to the jacket. There was a repair work in brine system and it was to be shutdown so water from town was used instead. This town water pressure (130 psi gauge pressure) was more than that of brine, so the reactor collapsed. Before the modification, a modification approval form was approved which had twenty important questions. But this form was filled as a formality. Recommendations: Before modification, however inexpensive, temporary or permanent, is made to a plant or process or to a safety procedure, it should be authorized in writing by a manager and an engineer. They manager and engineering who authorized modification can not be expected to stare the drawing and hope that the consequence will be show up. They must provided with an aid such as a lost of questions to be answered. The foreman should not be authorized to make any modifications at field work. We have discussed few of the above critical issues which are very important for a contractor company to work in oil and gas industry. Furthermore, critical issues of a plant are also indicated in logical tree analysis in figure 1. CONCLUSION: The purpose of this report is to indicate the safety issues for a contractor company in oil and gas industries. The purpose of giving the cases and recommendation is to understand what they had done wrong in the past and to advise how similar disaster might be prevented in the future. After reading this report just analysis your plant, are you doing the same wrong thing which people did and resulted in disastersDevelopment of a safety culture is necessary, culture which would be committed with safety; safe work practise would be encourage and people do insist for safe work for every one, their attitude must be toward safe work practise. Leadership and top management should have to set a meaningful safety program by providing sufficient training and experience. Moreover, communication played a significant role; proper training and safety induction should be given to supervisor level, so that the correct information should be transmitted to them. Figure no. 1 Logic Tree Analysis Reference: The integration of Quantitative Risk Assessment and Reliability centered Maintenance to optimize platform Design and Operations by R.M Marshell, S.T.Maher, P.R. Stevenson B.C.Morris How to cite Health and safety issue for contractor company in oil and gas industry, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
John Brown
John Brown- A Hero Or Villain? Essay What makes a hero or a villain? A hero is defined as a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life. By this definition, there existed countless heroes in America during the 1800s with relation to slavery. There were many abolitionists, particularly from the North, that exhibited courageous attitudes. It was these heroes that taught the southerners, who believed their lives could only prevail if slavery survived and expanded westward, what they knew was morally right (3, 92). John Brown is one abolitionist who stands out amongst the rest and has been noted as one of the most important men in the process of abolishing slavery. It was Browns work that sparked the revolts and fighting that would occur between the North and the South after his time. Brown can be considered a hero on account of his actions in Kentucky and Virginia. After the Turner revolt, the topic of slavery took over American politics (3,91). Congressman David Wilmot suggested that legislation prohibit slavery in new territories that were conquered from the victory in a war with Mexico (3,91). Wilmot acted in hopes of stopping slaverys expansion westward but his movement did not pass with the Senate and was therefore disregarded (3,91). The Souths population was slowly becoming overshadowed by the Norths, leaving little room to stop anti-slavery legislation (3,91). When California was admitted as a free state in 1850, the US was left with no slave state to balance this addition and some southerners desired a separation of slave states from the union (3,92). Congressmen and senators started to fear their political opponents tremendously; tension was slowly building up (3,92). The Compromise of 1850 admitted California as a free state but also passed a law making it painless for slave-owners to recover their escaped slaves from free states (3, 92). Congress then passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act which allowed inhabitants to decide whether Kansas would be a free state or a slave state (3,92). In hopes of victory, the opposing sides invaded the territory which was after nick-named Bleeding Kansas by the easterners (3,92). This unsettled region would be the perfect setting to launch a crusade against slavery (3, 92). This scheme was exactly what John Brown had in mind (3,92). John Brown was born in Torrington, Connecticut in 1800 and grew up in Hudson, Ohio with a family of sixteen children (2, 1). Browns father was a captain in the Revolutionary War and endowed Brown a hatred for slavery (3, 93). Since he was young, Brown felt a strong importance of religion and his teachings in the Bible (3,93). He felt that the pro-slave sinners should be punished for their wrongdoings (3,93). After Brown married Dianthe Lusk and moved to North Elba, New York, he wished to assist the free blacks in getting accustomed to farming in the Adirondacks (2, 1). During the 1850s, Brown liberated small slave groups in Missouri and saw them off to Canada (2,1). Up to this point, there was no violence or bloodshed involved in Browns actions (2,1). All the while he was involved in these small movements, Brown was creating a greater plan of attack(2,1). Eager to help in the abolition movement, Brown traveled to Kansas, where five of his sons were (2,1). In May of 1856, news spread of a pro-slavery attack on the town of Lawrence, Kansas (3, 94). Before Brown could reach Lawrence with his militia group, the pro-slavery group had attacked and looted the town (3,94). As the action was dying down, Brown heard that five anti-slavery settlers had been killed in Lawrence during the attack (3,94). Believing in an eye for an eye, Brown and his men set out to kill five pro-slavery settlers (3,94). On their way, they heard news that pro-slavery Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina had beaten abolitionist Senator Charles Summer of Massachusetts with a cane on the Senate floor (3, 95). This news increased the abolitionists furies and that night they hacked James Doyle and his two sons to death (3,96). Continuing on their rage, they split Allen Wilkinsons skull and stabbed him in the chest (3,96). Needing one more victim, Brown and his men slashed at and killed William Sherman on the banks of the Pottawatomie River (3,97). Browns group then washed off their bloody s words and headed home on the dead mens horses, completely satisfied (3,97). Pro-slavery newspaperman Henry Clay Pate, in hearing about the Pottawatomie massacre, organized a gang and became determined to bring justice to John Brown (3,97). When free-staters found out about Pates intent, 28 men stood up in defense for Old Brown (3,97). Brown put together a mini-army and trapped Pates gang for several hours (3,97). The pro-slavery men eventually surrendered to Browns group and were later released by U.S. Army troops (3,97). Brown remained untried for the Pottawatomie massacre and left Kansas to come up with a larger-scaled assault on slavery (3,97). Essay on Personal Reflection On Gratitude And Its Effects On Prosocial Behavior EssayBrowns attack caused many repercussions in the South. Southerners placed the blame on the North for funding and supporting Brown (6, 134). Strict curfews and increased defense measures were enforced in southern towns out of fear (6, 134). The North worried that the South would infer that Browns attack meant the North was turning abolitionist (6, 136). The northeastern business society tried to persuade the South that it had no association with the doings of such an unsupported madman (6, 136). Boston conservatives were horrified by the raid because it put a damper on their good names in politics (6, 135). Robert C. Winthrop was warned by Edward Everett that the Harpers Ferry attack would lead the way for the final catastrophe.(6, 136) Originally, Browns supporters, Howe and Stearns, both denied any knowledge of Browns plans and fled to Canada ( 6, 136). Sanborn, another supporter, headed to Canada also, to try a change of air for his old complaint.(6, 136) Smith was admitted to an insane asylum to evade arrest (3, 102). When Brown was put on trial, both his opponents and his supporters thought he was crazy (3, 102). Some thought a plea of insanity would save him from his death and so his family presented documents claiming insanity ran in the family (3, 102). Virginia Governor Henry A. Wise was confident that Brown was an intelligent and brave man and he convicted him of murder, treason against Virginia, and conspiring to incite a slave revolt (3, 102). Wendell Phillips, William Bowditch, Thomas Wentworth, Theodore Parker, and others of Browns original followers stuck to their beliefs and supported Brown until his death (6, 136). Brown wrote a letter to his wife and children before his death, saying the following. I am awaiting the hour of my public murder with great composure of mind and cheerfulness; feeling the strong assurance that in no other possible way could I be used to so much advantage to the cause of G-d and humanityI have now no doubt but that our seeming disaster will ultimately result in the most glorious success (3, 103). Harpers Ferry aided in dividing the North and South into opposing teams, which could be considered a good deed (3, 103). Henry David Thoreau said before Browns death, It was Browns doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave. I agree with him. (3, 104)Although Browns actions were radical, his cause was heroic. His plans to spark slave revolts in both Kansas in Virginia were not well thought-out, but his cause was passionate and justified. Brown can be looked upon as a courageous man who stood up for what he believed was right. He was a martyr until the moment he was hanged. Brown revealed all of his schemes under trial, but would convict no one else (6, 134). He was seen as silent, grim, and defiant (6, 134). He was not working to attain power or respect, but to put an end to the violation of human rights. John Browns actions in Kansas and Virginia render him a hero. To sum up Browns impact, Thomas Brigham Bishop once said, John Browns body lies a-moldering in the grave, his soul goes marching on.(2, 1)
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